Friday, June 01, 2007

Yuck I hate the horrible things!

The horrible things being SPIDERS! They make my skin crawl, so what's prompted me to post about the gross things on my blog? The huge one that just casually strolled across my desk and make me barely restrain a scream. I was just about to lay on my pillows when I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I turned around and moved quicker than I have done for months, down to the other end of the bed, and sat there shaking until Mark killed it. Don't get me wrong if I see a spider outside it can stay in the land of the living, if it's on the ceiling I make Mark catch it and put it outside, I have also on occasion hoovered them up and then emptied the bag outside, but if they are near my bed they have to die. I have this paranoid thing that they will crawl on me, I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say if a spider crawled on me when I was asleep or any other time for that matter I would scream so loud the whole street would hear me. I keep looking behind me to make sure there isn't another one and even though I am shattered I can't sleep because I will have nightmares about it, evil little critters why can't they just bugger off back to the garden and stay there! I wish I knew where this fear came from I have never liked them but this is way beyond not liking them, I hate things that have power over me, I like to be in control and when it comes to spiders I am just not and it sucks!!!
I have something to show you but it deserves an icky spider free post of its own lol

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