Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Big Brother 8 has begun

and OMG what a bunch!
If you didn't see the kick off show here's a recap.
First in were twin sisters Amanda and Sam, a pair of squealing hyper blonds who love anything pink and fluffy. Think Malibu barbie on speed and you might be getting close. Nice enough so far but the high pitched squeaks of over excitemnet are going to get on my nerves fast. Kind of remind me of the infamous Nikki from last year.
Following them was 60 year old Lesley who doesn't look a day over late 30s early 40s and is a retired head hunter. She's a member of the WI (women's institute) and I think she will be the first to walk this year. She's obviously very intelligent but I can imagine her being frustrated by the other ladies in the house, she has already shown a fantastically dry sense of humour but unfortunately I think that will be lost on the majority of the household.
Next was Charley, she was a lap dancer but is currently unemployed (yet still manages to go out clubbing 4 nights a week minimum ), is money celebrity and clubbing obsessed. her cousin is a professional football player. The crowd booed her like I have never ever heard before, she got a worse entrance reception than sezar got when he was evicted last year with the highest percentage ever! She entered the house to various chants including out, out,out and get a job!
Personally I can see her being evicted rapidly, she doesn't really make me want to batter her but she's very conceited.
After Charley came pink haired peacemaker Tracey, very down to earth and nice enough but also a bit odd. Reminded me a lot of Pete from last year. She came across a bit like she was stoned.
After her I cant remember the exact order because I was doing something lol so they are in an approximate order lol.
Chanelle is a Victoria Beckham lookalike (or so she thinks) who is sad enough to admit she scoured the internet for both of victoria beckhams albums. Very uptight and someone I cant see lasting long, but no doubt I will be proven wrong. Its a shame she chose the dress she did to go into the house because her intro video showed her in her bra and knickers and she has an ironing board flat stomach the dress made her look pregnant!
Then came Shabnam, whose entry I didn't see in it's entirety so I can't make any judgements. But no doubt I will after watching for a while.
After Shabnam came Emily, someone who values intelligence but started off her video with a comment about making her hair bigger, she said she's been told she looks like Peaches Geldolf, since I don't read gossip magazines I haven't a clue if she does or not, I think it will be interesting to see if she really is as intelligent as she says.
This one I missed completely, her name was Laura, a nanny from wales, it was really nice to see a girl of more normal proportions in the house. I am really interested to see what she's like as a housemate.
The final two (well for now anyway) were Nicky a stunning looking girl who was born in Bombay, and then moved to England, her mum's family are Irish Catholic. She's ballsy and I have to say she was by far my favourite of the bunch. Lastly there was Carole a very loud 53 year old who is a politcial protestor, against the war and many other things, the crowd loved her, personally I wasn't so entranced but that's just me. I was put off a bit by her waving her arms about like a loon and shouting woo woo. Very odd.
In true Big Brother style the house was full of odd little quirks, I have to admit this house tops anything they have done before on the weird scale, the oven is in the bedroom, the bath is in the living room and the fridge is in the garden. There's going to be a guy chucked in with them on Friday night which should be entertaining. All I can say is god help big brother if they are all on their periods at the same time 11 women (or maybe 9 I don't know if 60 year old Lesley or 53 year old Carole still have them) can you imagine how fun that would be to watch though a house full of women with PMT roflmao.


Sarah Young said...

I love BB too i keep watching it everyday, its funny! lol loved how the guy got his welcome he he!!!!

Anonymous said...

good read, post more!