Sunday, May 20, 2007

I have a layout to share and a blog prompt

Because I have nothing else to talk about today lol.
Firstly here's the layout

Credits: Jumperoo, Jams, Cardboard Cutouts, Mix and Match Chipboard blocks, Barcodes and layered template 12 by Shandy Vogt. Traci Murphy Dropshadows - Cardstock dark, Popout dark, Cardboard Dark and Doodle Dark.Fonts are JPaige_Crystal by Jeanelle Paige and Tuna and Hot Dogs on Rye by Kimberly Geswein.If you want to check out Shandy's Designs you can at her blog or her store.

Now for the blog prompt, I used to do these every day and then I got bored and depressed and stopped bothering, I found the list today while trying to sort out the bombsite that is my computer. So I decided to just pick one at random and blog about it. So today I picked:What are your scrapbook ‘buttons’? What item(s) do you find you can’t enough of? Can’t find ‘the perfect one’ of? What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
As I am sure you are all aware I have a major addiction to digital stash, I have more than I will ever use in a million years but still keep adding to my collection. My biggest weakness is layered templates I often wonder how I scrapped without them. It takes all the planning part out of the layout which is the bit I struggle with. I love having a starting point often a template layout ends up looking nothing like the template I used lol. I have a big weakness at the moment for alpha brushes. I am always looking for new ones and adding more to my kaboodle list/my collection (if they are on sale or just a bargain lol). The advice I would give to someone starting out is the biggest advantage digital has over paper scrapbooking is you can nearly always try before you buy. There are freebies everywhere that allow you to sample a designers work. Never assume that because a designer is talked about a lot that you have to have the items because they are the "in thing" trends will change look for things that you love, that will be used over and over again (maybe lol) dont just buy because everyone else has it. Experiment try new things if you dont like it you have the undo and delete buttons at your disposal and lastly if there's something you don't know, don't understand or just have questions about ask. The digital community is full of people who will be more than happy to help you, dont ever think a question is too silly to ask. I am off to try and get something else scrapped, catch you later x

1 comment:

Mommy Spice said...

Great advice!!! When I started out, I went crazy...thought I needed to have it all. Now as I go through my stash, I find myself thinking "what on earth was I thinking?" and then hitting the delete button. Don't worry, I only delete the stuff I know I will never in a million years use. :)

Great layout today! thanks for sharing! :)