Saturday, May 12, 2007


No Mark (he's gone shopping), No Lukas (he's playing at Conor's), No Nan moaning (she's downstairs watching the same stuff over and over on Sky News, if you are wondering she is watching all the bulletins about the missing 4 year old girl in Portugal, why she is so anxious to see news that upsets her is beyond me. I am quite content not to know anything about what's going on in the world. I like being ignorant about all the crap that exists outside of my bedroom.)
I am listening to my Boyzone CD's that I have just found, scrapping, checking emails, making ACDsee backups and just generally having a chill out day. It's so nice not to have sport blasting on the TV, or cartoons, or the playstation. It's also nice not to have them all arguing, bickering, moaning, whinging or just annoying me for a little while. I have a really bad headache and I don't feel great so the peace and quiet is the best gift in the world. Don't get me wrong more than an hour without them and I would be going crazy I hate being on my own lol I will be back later with some layouts.


Teresa said...

Enjoy your relaxing day! :) Pretty quiet around here too and boy is it nice! Have a great weekend!

Kirstie said...

hope you enjoyed some time alone and that your headache went away