Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Warning rant alert

Do you ever wish that you could respond to someone in person rather than by email so you could give them a bloody slap?
I just had the rudest email and it's really made me angry. It's not my style to badmouth people behind their back so you don't get details. You just get me venting my frustration lol that's the price you pay for reading my ramblings lol. I just can't stand it when people take the time to be rude/arrogant or just come across like they don't give a shit, surely it's easier to be polite??
Ok admitedly my own politeness levels had slipped by the 3rd/4th reply. But that's just frustration all I really wanted was the two simple words I'm sorry. While I was typing this I recieved another email that has infuriated me even more, because the person is now making out like I am in the wrong, which has made me furious. I hate people who can't just accept they made a mistake, apologise and move on they carry on arguing the point until either one or both of you reaches breaking point and it gets nasty. Thank god for this blog, I can get all the craziness out here rather than by losing my temper and quite possibly smashing something. Somedays I just get the feeling that the internet is the worst invention ever. It really sucks because up until now I had quite a good day. I scrapped quite a few layouts, I did some more shopping, I got some nice emails and even some priase on layouts in the gallery. The worst part about what has got me so mad is its something so bloody insignificant thats annoying me so much. My explosive temper has gotten me into trouble quite a few times. When people are rude I lose my temper. I might have the mother from hell who doesn't have a decent bone in her whole body but Nan did most of the bringing me up and she did a good job. Manners don't cost anything and if I have not much else I have manners. When other people don't it winds me up. I figure if my 4 year old can have impeccable manners and remember to say please and thank you, understand when he needs to apologise etc then why can't an adult?
I feel really miserable because of all this and there are a lot of things I could do to make myself better that will end up making me feel worse, crying is a great example. I can't just forget about it, the injustice of it all just stings at the moment hopefully tomorrow I will feel better about it all. Ok rant over for now, time to move onto something else, or shall I go back to scrapping?
Or there's always the ever destructive side of my personality telling me to go buy something to make myself feel better lol. I could talk about something that makes me happy - stash!
I bought a lot of stuff for National Scrapbooking Day, and I bought some more stuff today so I don't really know where to start in telling you everything I have bought so I will leave that for tomorrow. But I will show you something thats on my wishlist - yes I know that's a link to a site not a product but you have to go check it out to see what I want. It's a very cool concept from Meredith Fenwick and Jan Crowley each month a kit is designed and 100% of the proceeds go to a charity. I get a buzz out of giving to other people and if I get stash at the same time even better. I have bought a lot of charity kits, including a huge ASPCA collaboration and I don't have any animals lol. I'm off to bed now, Lukas is ill again with a croupy kind of cough and I need to catch some sleep before he wakes up or starts barking again. Bless him I really hate it when he is ill. I will be back tomorrow.

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