Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hello, is this thing on?

or am I just talking to myself lol.
I have pictures to share from this morning if you are interested?

ok picture singular because I am too lazy to remove the other little kids from the picture right now lol. See how cheeky my little monster is? He can't even stand still long enough for a picture he has to peer over the top of his mask lol. Did I mention he was the only child to be told off because he decided signing was boring so turned completely the other way to have a conversation with his mates I'm such a bad mummy I was giggling at him lol. He also nearly choked the poor little girl in front of her he kept playing with her wings (which the dumb parents had attached by tying them with ribbon around her neck). What else do I have to tell you? I am working on a secret project I will tell you more about it when I have done a bit more planning and worked out a few details. The decorators are painting the exterior walls/doors/windows etc so for the whole day the house was freezing because they had every window open, and the whole house stinks of gloss paint yuck. I don't think I have anything else to say, I have no layouts to show you. Pretty boring really aren't I lol. Would you like another blog prompt? Ok then I picked this one - How has your scrapbooking (layouts, skills, attitude, likes/dislikes, etc.) changed or evolved since you started? If it hasn’t changed, should it? Has scrapbooking (or its evolution) impacted your life in any way?

OMG I cringe at my earliest layouts, I never knew photoshop existed, I had this tremedously bad habit of not working on a copy of the photograph. I made a lot of errors and they were generally badly composed. I don't have any copies of them because they all went with the first computer failure. Nan has a few printed, she likes them but loves the ones I do now so much more. I think I have improved a lot as a scrapper as I have learnt more about my programme and what I like. But I have to hold my hands up and say the biggest change is layered templates, how on earth did I manage before them? I seem to be lost now without using one, everytime I try and do a layout from scratch I end up deleting it in frustration. But then I have so many (and buy new ones occasionally *insert innocent angel look here that translates to I buy a lot more than "occasionally" lol). Things really clicked for me when I worked out brushes, blend modes and layer masks, my layouts are a lot more pleasing now, (at least to me). I am more adventerous in trying new techniques and styles. I love scrapping but I also love the other elements to it like designing my own items and obviously buying new things lol. Scrapping for me is better than therapy I have got over a lot of overwhelming days and emotions because of it. I only wish I felt well enough to scrap at the speed I used to so I could try out more things. My head is always buzzing with ideas and inspirations and I dont feel well enough to try them.

I have a lot of 360 degrees of inspirations layouts to do, just don't feel very motivated to do them lately. I have been having fun doing some layouts that are nothing important or too deep and meaningful. Right I am off to scrap or maybe sleep.

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