Saturday, May 12, 2007

Layout share

I thought you might like to see what I have been up to today.

First up I have this one, for the 1st of the Scrapping Take Me Away challenges @ Divine Digital.

Credits: Layered template by Ashley Olson and True colours, Where I live and breathe and Red Haute by Royanna Lea Fritschmann.Traci Murphy Dropshadow actions - cardstock dark, cardboard light, paper light, paint dark and photo light. Font is JPaige_Crystal by Jeanelle Paige. Journalling reads: For me the only good thing about being on a tropical island would be the amazing views. I hate the feeling of sand and how it gets into absolutely everything.I hate the sunshine because of the headaches I have constantly the bright light hurts my eyes and makes everything worse. So if we were on a holiday and money was no object, I would be sat in that little house with my computer and internet connection, scrapping layouts while listening to the peace and tranquility all around, and admiring the beauty of the world all around me. That would be my idea of heaven on earth, to scrap in beautiful surroundings instead of at my cluttered messy desk. Guess we all find our bliss in different places.

The second layout I have to share was created for the Colour of inspiration challenge @ Divine Digital

Credits: One Woman's Treasure by Royanna Lea Fritschmann. Journalling reads: This is a photo of me and my mum when I was little. It must have been a very lucky shot, because Nan used to do almost all of the looking after me, because my mum didn't want to. Nan was always more of a mum than my mum ever was.

Just incase you feel like a little shopping I have linked up all of the items I used, with the exception of Ashley Olson's sketch because you can only find that included in the May Designer Sampler at The Digi Shoppe
I might be back in a while with some more.

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