Monday, May 28, 2007


I was thinking earlier about why I might be miserable, and I got to thinking about something. This is around the date that I usually get my period, I haven't had one since November when I had a Depo injection, they usually last for three months and the reason I chose to have one was because I was worried about the date of our wedding, blood on wedding dress not a good idea lol. Shallow aren't I, it's just that it was an expensive item of clothing and with how heavy my periods are I would have wrecked it. Anyway so I got to thinking that maybe I am having those monthly blues without the actual period. I always assumed that it was the whole bleeding, feeling gross and cramps that made me feel miserable. Before you ask no I am not pregnant that requires that you actually sleep with someone, but since Mark sleeps at night and I am a raving insomniac, thats a very rare occurence. Admitedly in normal baby making there isn't much sleeping involved lol but when you both feel miserable, and one of you is in constant pain it's impossible to get into the mood. I have just had an idea for a page, be back in a bit.

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