Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Always the bad guy

girl whatever. I am having a bad day and the reason is really simple - no one else every seems to tell Lukas its time for bed. I was 10:15pm before he finally went to bed. That was only after I shouted and ended up turning his television off. I thought he was sleeping after Mark put him to bed, I heard a noise and went to investigate not only had his dumb daddy told him he could play the playstation, he had also not picked up Lukas's toys and Lukas was sat on the floor playing with them. GRRRRRR!.
Speaking of the little cherub (insert sarcasm here), he went back to school today. I got up at 6am this morning after being awake all night and made his lunch, I laid out his clothes and his brand new shoes, got his bags out and I even put his breakfast out ready in his bowl. All Mark had to do was add milk to his cereal, dress him, and take him to school. Not only did Mark not bother to make him any breakfast this morning he also let him where his filthy, old trainers to school. Don't get me wrong I only bought them a little while ago, but after one day of wearing them they looked like a dog had eaten them, I don't really care since he is wearing them to school and they are going to get dirty again, but it's one of Nan's many issues "he can't wear those to school" blah blah blah. So I bought new ones, I laid them out in plain sight remembered to take the tags off and everything and Mark never put them on him, which set Nan off - on me!
Would anyone care to tell me why everything my almost 30 year old husband does or doesn't do gets thrown at me? Why it's my fault its not been done or why I am the one getting the earache for it? I have to sort out everyone petty bickering and fighting and I am rapidly losing my sanity. But if you think I am insane you should read this next part. Remember how I have moaned before about Nan whinging about certain toys of Lukas's because "there too noisy", bear in mind he plays with them UPSTAIRS and we can't hear our television with our bedroom door open because Nan's is so loud DOWNSTAIRS she's so hard of hearing it's not even funny, it's hearing just like Marks - of the selective variety i.e they hear what they want to hear!
Anyway that is not the point of today's moaning, she told Lukas off the other day for playing with his cars in the garden because "he was too noisy and it would annoy the neighbours" (dont even get me started), yet she has the bright idea to let Conor have tools and wood. Please consider the fact that this is the same child that is told don't go near the brook and has to my knowledge come home at least 3 times covered in crap from falling in the brook, is told don't go out of the street and when calling and being unable to find him we eventually find him playing near the main road about half a mile away, shall I go on or are you getting the picture. I adore Conor, but after Mark he is quite easily the most irresponsible person I have ever met, he just doesn't think. I have always said Conor is a lemming, if he was dared by his friends to jump off a bridge I would bet money on him doing it. So I live in a house with a 4 year old who doesn't want to sleep, an almost 30 year old who takes more effort to get into the bath than the 4 year old and is currently spending his days doing as little as he can get away with and driving me crazy and a batty 76 year old who is constantly cleaning, moaning about mess, saying she feels ill (because she won't let anyone help her, but moans constantly that she does everything) and bitching about my husband, and you wonder why I am this messed up? Mark went to the doctor and got signed off again, its astounding he goes to the doctor, spends 5 minutes or so and gets months off work when the problem is less depression and more bone idleness. I drag to the doctors over and over again seeing various different ones, answering the same shitty questions and getting the same shitty result. I'm 22 years old, and Nan has more mobility than I do even after a car accident when she was younger after which she was told she would never walk again, I have actual medical issues and cant get a doctor to do anything to help and I just think it sucks. I would be more than content just to be able to use my hands without pain right now. I would carry on tolerating the crap in this house if my hands would just stop hurting long enough for me to scrap without crying in pain. But since that's not going to happen right now I am going to settle for something else - a very large vodka!

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