Friday, May 11, 2007

No sleep

and ironically I am wide awake. Normally I have been asleep and I am struggling to stay awake. Being strange is fun lol.When Mark goes out I will tell you about the pennies (rofl) I have just spent at ScrapArtist. What else have I done today, oh yeah I scrapped 2 layouts so far and counting. I also registered at Kaboodle. If you don't know what that is the easiest way to explain it would be to say it's a web based wishlist facility. You register with Kaboodle, add the buttons (optional but easier) and then go to whichever websites you have seen "stuff" you want and add it to your Kaboodle list. Great way to get birthday presents you actually want lol. Or in my case actually get birthday presents, since I usually end up buying them myself because Mark always and I mean always (I have been with him over 5 years and I have yet to get a card on the actual day for anything). What else do I have to talk about?
Shall we talk about plans for the weekend?
There is a special event going on this weekend at Divine Digital, they are celebrating Mother's Day in the US this weekend.
Its the ScrapArtist 2nd Anniversary Birthday they are having a 20% off sale and have some events planned.
As for me, I plan on dropping in to a few sites during the day, scrapping a little, organizing a lot, and spending some quality time with my little man. It feels like I hardly ever see him anymore, either he is at school, playing with Conor/Ella/Mark on the playstation or in the garden, Downstairs with nan or one of us is asleep. I am so looking forward to the school holidays, I can't remember if it's 6/7 weeks they get this year but it doesn't matter because for that time he's all mine again. It will take me that long at least to get used to the notion that when he goes back to school in September he will be at "proper school" in year one, learning stuff and growing up way too fast for my liking lol. He was being a cheeky little monkey all evening yesterday. Did I tell you about the accident he had at school? They were playing outside and a gust of wind caught the playhouse and blew it over on him. The school rang me to let me know. Now is it just me or does anyone else's blood run cold when they hear someone asking "is that Lukas's mum" the first thing I said was "What's he done" lol. It takes all my restraint when he hurts himself at school not to go straight around and get him. I'm a big softie with him and he knows it. his latest trick when he doesn't want to get up is "I don't feel well". What I want to know is how does a 4 year old master throwing a sickie so fast lol. As much as I could ramble on all day about Lukas I have some more photos to scan, and then I have to find a certain one I need for a layout - wish me luck lol.

1 comment:

Mandy K. said...

Oh my kids are pros at pretending to be sick. Even my 5yo! LOL
Good luck with the layout!