Sunday, January 14, 2007

More wedding day stress.

I received an email from my Dad saying he was coming to my wedding, and he was bringing my Grandma. I phoned my mum to tell her and all hell broke loose. She said she wasn't coming if he was going. The kids weren't going and neither was my stepdad. She slammed the phone down on me when I pointe out that it was her that caused trouble at Leo's funeral not my Dad. She called Nan and started having a go at her, I told Nan to put the phone down. She told Nan she was bringing down all the sweet food Nan had bought and put in Mum's freezer for the wedding. She came she shouted I hit her! She was shouting her mouth of at Nan and I told her not to speak to Nan like that, she went to hit me and I belted her! We got into a fight and eventually she drove off at high speed in her car. I hate her so much for being such a childish pathetic cow about all this, she doesn't like my dad so bloody what. It's my wedding and he has just as much right to be there as she does! Nan's all upset that the kids won't be coming and no doubt she will spread loads of vicious lies about me and say I assaulted her. She's an evil evil woman who likes nothing more than to cause constant hassle and trouble. She has ruined every single family get together we have had.She was rude and obnoxious at Nana Bradley's funeral, Lisa's wedding she was a bitch, my 18th she was offensive to my guests, she caused a row at her own weddding, a fight at Leo's funeral and now she's done this before my wedding. I have been feeling ill about the wedding for weeks because I have been so worried what it will be that will set her off. I'm glad she's not coming but I really don't want to get married without my family there the day won't be the same. But the alternative of giving in and letting her have her own way, telling my dad he can't come and then being on edge all day that she will cause a fuss seems much worse than getting married without my brothers and sisters who I adore with all my heart. It would be bad enough if she was a normal person and we had a fight 6 days before my wedding but despite being a complete and utter bitch she's my mum. How hard would it have been to go and ignore my dad for a few hours??

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