Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Hopefully 2007 will be a lot better than 2006.
This year I have decided that I am going to FLY.
Now if you read my blog you will know I expressed an intrest in the FLYLady programme.
FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself. You can find all the details at FLYLady.net. But anyway I was determined that I was going to be more positive this year. I made some achievable new years resolutions and I have started a huge scrapping project - A Book Of Me.
I hope that by creating something for other people to know what makes me well me lol will help me understand myself a bit better and be a more content person.
Im hoping the wedding will help start the year off with a bang. But knowing my family and having been to previous family events I have a feeling the bang will have more to do with my mum starting a row.
Anyway I just wanted to share some layouts I have made with one of my Christmas presents - Pajamas 4 Love Collection but I don't have the images to hand because I am typing this on the laptop. If you want to check them out you can see them here. I will upload some pictures tomorrow when I can use my desktop computer.

1 comment:

Jenga said...

Happy New Year - goet FLYing girl :)