Thursday, August 17, 2006

Where shall we start

ok so lets start with my bright idea, hook up the two drives (that Marks annoying friend has decided he wont install now, Git) one after the other as slaves. Plug in the external silver angel (my hard drive incase your confused) and copy from slave drives to external = no install needed.
so since we are having to use the machine that Mark gave to his dad (and we're not going on that moan again tonight) the old git is playing on my brand new machine. Urgh its digusting all hes done is fart loudly and scratch himself on my chair and my darling friend John has been sending me text messages to make me blush - sod. Luckily with the new organisation of my room I cant see Marks dad and he cant see me which makes it slightly more bearable. Marks mum has her consultant appointment on Wednesday so hopefully we will know what happens next after that. What else do I have to say today? I don't think there is anything still feel horrible, I could list all the things I have bought but its a blog entry not a book lol


Jenga said...

Hugs honey. Maybe you are feeling so bleurgh recently because the 24th is nearly here?? Try to focus on some happy memories if you can.

Thanks for the treat you sent me by the way xxx more hours at my laptop - as if I have nothing else to do !!!

Neverland Scraps said...

a blog entry, not a book!! That's just too funny!!