Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Feel yuck

Urgh I hate feeling like this, I hate being hot and tired and feeling like I am going to throw up all the time. I dont really have anything to blog about today. I was so wiped out yesterday after being up all night I had dinner and went to bed and slept until Lukas dragged me out of bed this morning. With much begging and pleading on my part that was about 9am after Mark had woke me up at 6:30am to tell me he was going to work - like I cared I just wanted to sleep. So the being woken up many times in various different yet all still annoying ways put me in a mood. This was then followed by a few hours of mummy torture aka playing kids computer games with Lukas. Not allowed to turn the incredibly irritating and headache incresing music off or even down because attempts induced the Lukas whinging. Now the MIL is back from work and will no doubt be downstairs moaning about the mess of last nights dishes etc not being done (they're hers anyway) Stop the world I want to get off and go back to bed until the headache has gone away. I will ber back later hopefully in a better temper with a happy chirpy sort of post - yeah right lol

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