Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I could have edited the last post but since this one is so different I decided not to. Ok so onto the subject of the post Lukas and blog prompts. Had to go out to get milk and decided to take Lukas to a park for a while. It was all going fine until 2 huge kids pushed in front of him for the roundabout, his usual reaction to anything like that is to just let them. He stood his ground and asked nicely if he could get on too. They reacted by taunting him and saying no. I was on the phone and quickly ended the call to go sort it out. In the time it took me to get off the phone and walk over there the change in Lukas was amazing. It was like a dark cloud passed over him he scowled and I could tell he was going to hit them. There were two kids and both were double the size of him and he didn't care. He asked politely they taunted him and he got mad. I had to pick him up and leave the park. He was fine once we got away from them and calmed down. I was worried when he went to school he would get bullied because he was so mild mannered dont think thats a worry anymore. In my heart I know he would never start the trouble but I never used to think he would stand up for himself. Its strange he's growing up fast. Actually blog prompts can have another post all to itself lol

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