wow this year is just flying by it certainly doesn't feel like Christmas was 6 months ago and I am really having a hard time convincing myself that Lukas will be 6 next month! The end of the month is always a busy time for me, there are bills to pay and shopping to do, layouts for challenges to finish and upload and assorted other stuff that needs to be done. Today I am just not feeling very driven to do anything. I got my period, I have a really bad headache and I just feel really tearful.*sigh* Lukas came home with letters from school about various things that I need to sort out. School fete on Saturday, Parents evening on Monday and Tuesday, Sports Day on the 13th, Whole school picnic that I can't actually find a date for lol. It's just so much to remember on top of the usual P.E Kit for Monday, Spelling for Tuesdays, Swimming kit for Wednesday, I think it's maths book for Thursday but I usually leave it in the bag and then making sure everything comes home to be ready for the next week on Friday. I'll admit it I am struggling a lot with it all at the moment. I don't like when we get close to the end of term I will be glad when it's over and done with and Lukas and me are enjoying our time together on the summer holidays. I will also be very glad when his birthday is over and done with but that's for an entirely different reason. I am sick to death of everyone pressuring me to have a birthday party. I can't cope with organising a birthday party right now, I can't afford a birthday party right now and to be pefectly honest I just plain don't want to throw one. I don't want the pressure of having to invite Mark's annoying relatives (if I have a party I really have no choice since I think 4 or maybe 5 of them are in Lukas's class). I don't want to make conversation with people especially not Mark's family. I certainly don't want to have to listen to a bunch of screaming overexcited kids for a few hours and lastly I just can't be bothered to have one and explain over and over again why there are no balloons everywhere. I have something special planned for Lukas don't get me wrong his birthday will be celebrated but I want to do something with just us to celebrate it. I suppose with it being so close to Leo's I enjoy making his birthday a special family day. I like to take him places just Me, Him and Mark and have a fun day with lots of giggling and photograph taking lol. But anyway I suppose I should stop being such a miserable cow and change the subject. How about if I start with showing you some new layouts I have to share while I think of something that's not so negative to talk about lol.
Credits: Layered template (Cookie Decorating 101 June 11th 2008) by Kay Miller and One In A Million by Misty Cato. Fonts are DJB Kathy C Script and DJB For Annie both by Darcy Baldwin.
This one was created for a Neopolitan challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs (Challenge 1).

Original layouts: Daddy Hearts Iyah by Purple_colourz (inspired by ribbon strips and photo placement) original found here, Sea World by d2vasquez (inspired by photo placement and corner element) original found here and Swing Twirls by Cindys732003 (inspired by circle mat, scalloped mat, title placement and stitched edge) original found here.
Credits: Berry Patch by Kristin Cronin Barrow.
This one was created for a Spin-A-Lift challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs and is a Spin-A-Lift (90 Degrees Clockwise) of Junebug's Playtime layout found here

Credits: Layered template (Girl Talk April 08) by Shannon G and "It" Boy by Traci Reed. Font is DJB Jennifer by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: You are now big enough to go down the slide all on your own. I don’t have to help you up the steps, or catch you at the bottom. All I have to do is stand back with my camera in my hand and wait. I like to snap all the silly faces you pull without realising it as you go whizzing from the top to the bottom of the slide.
These two were created for Paper 2 Digi challenges at Sweet Shoppe Designs. The first one was a scraplift of Us by hamtaro807 found here.

Credits: Lacy Bloomers by Cori Gammon and Traci Reed. Fonts are DJB JOAN and DJB KEELYB both by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Nannie and Grampy came to bring you a birthday card on the way to take Aunty Julie and Hailey home. Since it was still light outside they were able to stay for a little while so you and Hailey could play together. We were very surpirsed at how big she had gotten since we had last seen her. You both went out to play in the back garden. Mummy held onto Hailey’s hands so that she couild jump on the trampoline. She thought it was great fun and giggled the whole time she was on there. But she wasn’t very happy when they told her it was time to go. She had a temper tantrum as they put her into her carseat. We had to promise her that she could come back on another day to have a playdate with you.
The second was a scraplift of Fresh by ~Mel~ found here.

Credits: Treehugger by Eva Kipler and {Define}ing yourself by Sue Cummings. Fonts are: DJB JENNIFER and DJB My Own Outline both by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: I love this photograph of you, even though the quality is not great and you aren’t smiling. I took this while we were on a bus one night, I can’t remember where we were going but I do remember that you were in a really silly mood and you kept messing around and making a mixture of silly and cross faces at me. You are adorable even when you are trying not to be!
The last one I have to show you was created for a Cookie Decorating 101 challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs (Challenge 37)

Journalling reads: I took these photos the 1st time you climbed a tree. You were so terrified that you were going to fall off that you almost refused to try it at all. You thought about it for a while and eventually decided that you wanted to try it. With a little boost from daddy and both of us stood there holding our breath just incase you fell you were off. You didn’t go too high but we were so proud of you for facing your fear and going for it. I hope you always feel safe in the knowledge that whatever you do we will always be there to catch you if and when you fall Lukas.
I started this post the other night but the electricity went out and didn't realise that it hadn't been posted so I guessed at the date just incase you are wondering why I was writing a post at 9pm at night when normally I write in the early hours of the morning. I have kept meaning to come back and do another post but never got around to it. I have a lot of stuff that I need to do but I will try and get back later.
1 comment:
Wow, you've been busy - fab layouts hun! Oh and it sounds like you'll give Lukas a wonderful birthday, party or no party - you stick to your guns girl!
BTW I tagged you on my blog :)
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