Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tagged by Kari

She posted this quiz on her blog and tagged everyone who read it to have a go at answering the questions themself. It's about your first child.

1. Were you married at the time?? No
2. How old were you?? 17 (I found out on my birthday lol)
3. How did you find out you were pregnant?? Home pregnancy test
4. What was your reaction?? I felt like my emotions had been put through a blender I couldn't work out whether I was happy, sad, angry, or anything else about it.
5. Who did you tell first?? Mark (my partner then, my husband now)
6. Did you want to find out the sex?? Definately, they said he was a girl so we painted the room purple and bought all dresses, so I wasn't exactly impressed when he was born a boy lol.
7. Due date?? depends who you ask lol. We were given one for the 31st August and one for the 9th September.
8. Did you deliver early or late?? early he was born on the 3rd August.
9. Did you have morning sickness?? No it was the only problem we didn't have lol.
10. What did you crave?? Just to get out of the hospital lol.
11. Who irritated you the most?? The parents, mine and marks were so disapproving bunch of hypocrites since they had both had kids earlier than we were.
12. What was your first child’s sex?? He was a boy.
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy?? I didn't I lost a lot of weight but I can't remember exactly how much.
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?? We had too many to write about.
15. Where did you give birth?? John Radcliffe Hospital.
16. How many hours were you in labor?? While my hospital notes measured from when they said I was in labour to when I finished labour and the time was 7 minutes lol. But my waters had gone a few hours before and they said I wasn't in labour.
17. Who drove you to the hospital?? A Taxi driver.
18. Who watched?? Which part lol, the bit where he tried to arrive down the toilet, the bit where they paniced and called midwives from everywhere, the bit where they were trying to wheel my downstairs to delivery and the porter was trying to cover up everything with a pillowcase or when he was actually born lol. There were a lot of people about no matter which one you choose, including my dh, the doctor, the surgical team, the neonatal team, various nurses and a couple midwives.
19. Was it natural or c-section?? Natural
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain?? No
21. How much did your child weigh?? 5lb 1/2 oz
22. Did your child have any complications?? He didn't cry when he was born, they had to work on him, was bruised from his waist to his toes because he was breech and then there were a lot of other complications while he was in the special care baby unit.
23. What did you name him/her?? Lukas Andrew Mark Leigh Blake
24. How old is your first born today?? He is 5 and 7 months.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

awwwwwww Himself had a hard time coming into the world! *huggles*