Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Disco Ball

Yes just another layout share, I don't have anything to talk about at the moment because honestly when I am not scrapping I am sleeping. I could tell you all that I feel ill but that's nothing new so why bore anyone lol. That's the thing about my life it's not very interesting, I get up, I feel ill, Mark is a pig, I sleep, I scrap, and apart from Lukas there really isn't that much more to it. Nothing ever changes so why keep writing the same old moaning. It's depressing! I'm a bit short tempered this morning because I have been up all night again, I am tired and fed up but there really isn't any reason for me to be so fed up, nothing is any worse than normal. That's not entirely true the pain is slightly worse than normal, still not unbearable but just annoying me a lot more than usual, making it even more impossible to ever be comfortable which just sucks. I would happily trade almost anything for just a few minutes of being comfortable as it is sitting, standing, laying down the position is interchangeable but the not being able to get comfortable is constant. *sigh* not doing very well at this not moaning about the same old stuff am I lol. Anyway here's the layout I made last night when I couldn't sleep. Before anyone asks yes I did get other stuff from Nan for my birthday, Nan is always really generous for my birthday I get quite a few presents from her because she know no-one else bothers, 2 of my other presents will have pages or at least one joint page of their own because they are pretty unique too. See defensive as well as short tempered aren't I charming this morning lol I really need to go to bed.
Credits: Layered Template by Chris Greiser (Swoopin' It Up, Template 1) and Vintage Girl and Label Brushes by Royanna Lea Fritschmann. Fonts are 4990810 and DJB Kirsty by Darcy Baldwin.
Enabling: Swoopin' It Up Templates by Chris Greiser available here, Vintage Girl and Label Brushes by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here and here.

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