Monday, March 10, 2008

ADSR Season 3 Layout 4

The 4th stop was right here at OScraps.
Challenge: >> FAST FORWARD <
Spill It!! We want to hear all about it... the good, the bad and the ugly. You pick the topic. .... the event .. the situation ... the day.... and tell us all about it. Dig deep - reach far - tell us what's in your gut. It can be humorous ... it can be sad ... it can be VENTING...we just want you to SPILL IT!! So here's the challenge recipe for you:1 Large Picture(at least 1 large picture, may use more than 1 pic) Some blending (ie: overlay, multiply, color burn, transparency, etc.) Spill it Journaling at least 1/4 of the page must be journaling
Note: We have decided to remove the elements requirement. If you have already done your layout, I'm very sorry for any inconvenience. So, go wild (or not) and do whatever ya want element-wise.
Deadline: Sunday March 9th Midnight EST
Prize: Your choice of Oscraps Collaborative kits (awarded via coupon code)

My Take: I wrote the journalling and then got stuck on what to actually use to scrap this with. I tried more kits than I care to admit, before I decided on this one. Patterned paper is one of the hardest things for me to use, I feel intimidated by them. So this layout really pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I am quite pleased with the finished result. But I might experiment with a few tiny tweaks on it like changing the font I have used for the title, but I was in a hurry last night, and I just wanted to get it done and uploaded.
Credits: Layered template by Hummie (Template 21 Square) and Central Park Stroll by Royanna Lea Fritschmann. Fonts are DJB JENB2 by Darcy Baldwin and DSP Box by Suzanne C. Walker. Water drop photo by Yochim downloaded from Stock Xchange.
Journalling reads: I often feel like I have become a freak of nature. I cry at the silliest of things. It’s unpredictable exactly what will trigger tears on any given day. Sure I cry at the usual things like friends and family being ill or in pain, I cry when Lukas get’s hurt, I cry when people I love die. But I also cry when complete strangers are suffering, I cry at the news on the T.V, I cry at songs on the radio and adverts on television, I cry at poetry andI cry at things I read online. Sometimes I cry because the pain is just too bad to bear. I cry because I feel so overwhelmed by everything I feel. It never used to be like this. I used to be the one who was in control. I chose when I shed tears. I hate how much power my emotions have over my life, but nothing I have tried has seemed to help. I can only wipe up the tears as they come, find comfortin the fact that I am only human and hope that one day I will be the one who is in charge again.
Enabling: Central Park Stroll by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here, Layered template 21 by Hummie is now retired to the store, you can find the square version in this pack and the rectangle version in this pack.


ChrissyW said...

wow wow wow GIRL!!! this is outstanding!!

Cheryl said...

You should reach out and give yourself a pat on the back for getting out of your box with the papers and creating an awesome layout!

Cheryl said...

You should reach out and give yourself a pat on the back for getting out of your box with the papers and creating an awesome layout!

Cheryl said...

You should reach out and give yourself a pat on the back for getting out of your box with the papers and creating an awesome layout!