Wednesday, March 12, 2008

See now bubbles in the bathroom

are so much more appreciated than a daft old Nan's who refuses to allow you to call a doctor after they take a nasty tumble, a stupid husband who goes to work leaving a sick wife, and a sick Nan to deal with Lukas straight from school (think hyper crazy, hungry and very very loud) who happens to not be feeling well so was whinging he felt sick, burning up and having an upset tummy while mummy happens to be asleep (I was sleeping while he was at school) because daddy went and got him from school and went back to work without waking mummy up which results in a broken toilet which overflows and floods the downstairs bathroom, blows the electric and now has to be fixed tomorrow or a set of inlaws who are deciding my life without even consulting with me first. So that's why after the day from hell, I choose to sit down and scrap, because if my hands are busy typing and scrapping they can't be busy putting my shoes on and walking right out the door away from everyone! I just get so sick of everything, sometimes I wonder why I bother getting up in the morning. I started writing this post late last night, and then I got sidetracked with other things, I have been really sick all day and I managed to get a few hours sleep. But since this is basically two posts combined as one you get to see two layouts instead of one, aren't you lucky lol. Both of these were made with Chrissy's brand new template set, the 1st one is just random photographs I took of Lukas while he was in the bath, since I am a little paranoid of late and I don't want anyone to think there is some weird freaky reason why I am taking photos of my 5 year old while he is in the bath, I will do something I usually never ever do I will tell you why I like taking photos of him in there. Firstly it's the best room in the house for light, I get great photos in there but that's mainly because of the second reason he's a captive audience. He's busy playing with his toys, and he ignores me so I can get some great natural photos of him. Also once he's in the bath he kind of can't run off or act daft. I have on occasion been known to shove him in there fully clothed to play while I do stuff, like when he threw up all over the landing, he played in the bath while I cleaned it up. See sick in the bath can just be washed away not sick walked all over the landing needs lots and lots of scrubbing to clean it up. He doesn't need water in the bath to be happy, because we have worked out that you can do some really cool things with a slippery enamel surface and toy cars especially if you start launching them from half way up the wall lol. You would think he had no toys to play with wouldn't you lol he has more toys than the local toy shop does but he prefers to play with what amounts to other people's junk lol. Empty toilet rolls, plastic bottles, Nan's ornaments and empty cardboard boxes are definately his favourites. Anyway the second layout is a set of photos I took when he was messing around with his bunny ears but they worked really well to scrap something that I can't catch on camera. His sillyness is what makes my life worth living he is one of the only things beside my computer that doesn't make me crazy right now. God that makes my life look even more tragic than it is that the only good things in it are my son and an electronic item. Maybe one day my husband stop driving me insane and start making me happy too. Anyway enough rambling here are the two layouts that I have to share.
Credits: Layered template by Chrissy W (Mixin' It Up {Again} template 4), Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles! - Singles and Bubble Overlays by Antonio Rafaello, Funny Bubbles Alpha by Doreen Stolz and Angels Among Us by Royanna Lea Fritschmann.

Enabling: Mixin' It Up {Again} by Chrissy W available here, Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles! - Singles and Bubble Overlays by Antonio Rafaello available here and here, Funny Bubbles Alpha by Doreen Stolz available here and Angels Among Us by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here.

This one works for the ADSR Bonus Challenge, but when I started scrapping it I was just playing it was only after it was done I realised it was perfect for that challenge too, so here are the details of the challenge, the same way I do normal ADSR Challenge posts.
The Bonus stop was right here at Dragonflaire Studios.
Challenge: Your challenge if you choose to accept is to create a lo base on something that is part of your daily routine.
Deadline: To be completed by the end of the ADSR Season 3.
Prize: $10 Gift Card to the store.
I am not going to bother telling you my take on the challenge because as I said it was just pure coincedence that this layout I made happened to fit the challenge criteria lol.
Credits: Layered template (Mixin' It Up {Again} template 3) and Paper Cutters (Scallop Paper) by Chrissy W and Spring Posh by Royanna Lea Fritschmann. Fonts are SP Holy Guacamole, RMBunny, DJB KEELYB and DJB LORRAINE bold by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Every single morning before school we sit down together and watch Bunnytown on Playhouse Disney. I use the term “sit” loosely since from the opening credits to the closing ones you are usually jumping around and giggling like a loon, and I am being dragged off the bed to “hop, hop, hop hippity hop” and being ordered to sing loudly while we do this Daddy usually makes you lunch for school and moans about how noisy we are being. Daddy’s a grump, but do you know what we think? “come on, everyone, it’s time to go down, to a kooky little place called Bunnytown. If your wondering what the text in the rabbit says, it's the lyrics to "Bunnytown Hop". As to how I got them all I will say is Youtube is a marvellous thing lol

Enabling: Mixin' It Up {Again} and Small Scallops Paper Cutters by Chrissy W available here and here and Spring Posh by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here. As for the fonts SP Holy Guacamole is available here, RMBunny is available here and Darcy's fonts are available in her store at The Digi Chick.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hello! I came across your blog because I was searching for one of my all time favorite fonts--holy guacamole; somehow I managed to lose it. I am SO thankful that you had the font (and the link) listed in your credits. Now I can download it AGAIN.

You have some really nice digi pages, and I like how you put so much detail into your journaling.