Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The untitled rant!

Sometimes there just isn't a title that works.
Lets start with a question - What is a blog?
I found an online definition that says it is "a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies". Now let's ask another question, What is MY Blog? I can tell you that really simply its my little place on the web. Its where I share my thoughts, my layouts and my feelings. Its the friend I can talk to when there's no one else awake. It's the place where I can be a depressed/miserable or morbid as I bloody well feel like. Its the place where I can say exactly what I like and not worry about it causing a row and do you want to know why - and I am going to shout this because I am mad BECAUSE NO-ONE HAS TO FUCKING READ IT!!!!! If I want to right a late night sob story about my 3 angel babies that is my right as the blogs owner. If I choose to waffle on for ages about nothing thats my bloody perogative. I like having somewhere to remember stuff, the credits for my layouts, the stupid things in the day,the feelings. My blog is my free therapy it works a hell of a lot better than crappy anti depressants. I could sit here and do what I do in every other aspect of my life apologise for having feelings, emotions and hell even an opinion but do you know what I am not going to. I refuse to apologise for what I say in my own space. I refuse to be made miserable by what other people think about what I have written in my space and I will make it really simple. If you choose to read my blog, then what you see is what you get if you see something you dont like then by all means sod off and leave me to be a miserable cow in peace. Nan always told me that if people cant say anything nice they shouldn't say anything at all. Wanna know what I think if I post a completely depressing post and you dont like it don't read it. If you want to leave a comment and its not something simple like ((hugs)) sorry your feeling that way or anything else nice dont waste your time writing it because I dont want to waste mine reading it. I am so angry right now its really hard to restrain myself from filling this post with obscentity after obscenity but I am not my mother I have a larger grasp of the english language and I can convey thoughts and emotions without resorting to cursing and swearing constantly. Hopefully I have made my point no comments are much better than ones that make me cry!!

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