Friday, March 30, 2007

Circus review

So i'm sure your dying to hear about our trip to the circus lol but even if your not I am going to bore you with it anyway roflmao. First off let me just say that this post will contain no pictures because the mean sods wouldn't let me take any! In the program it said no photographs for commercial use, which was fine when I got my camera out to take pictures a steward type person came up and tried to take it away from me, um no I don't think so. I was not best impressed. Lukas's first trip to the circus and I have nothing to remember it with. I was really looking forward to scrapping it as well. *sigh* copyright rules are stupid! The bit that really annoyed me was I was more interested in capturing Lukas's face when he saw things like the acrobats and the juggler and I wasn't even allowed to do that! That's enough about the camera (well for now anyway lol) Lukas rode a pony he looked so cute and I dont have any pictures and ironically thats the only thing we were allowed to photograph! They just moved too fast for a shot. It cost 50p for him to ride the pony I thought he might be scared of it but he loved it. I will admit though he looked a lot smaller on that pony than he does standing up. It was quite unnerving to see him sat on a moving animal, especially since they walked around with him I was worried he would try and get off it or fall but he was fine. The first act was some performing ponies they were really tiny and so sweet. They really seemed to enjoy the crowds attention. As much as I would love to share all the detaisl with you, I have to get Lukas to school in 2.5 hours time so I am going to try and get some sleep. I feel really horrible today and not being able to sleep doesn't help. I am so glad tomorrow is Lukas's last day of school before a two week break. I'm looking forward to spending some real quality time with him, but honestly I am looking forward to not having to get up early the most. Nan's off on holiday next week so it will be just Me, Mark and Lukas, I am really going to miss Nan. It seems so strange when she is not around. Its especially worrying as she has been so poorly lately. It one of the reasons I am sleeping so badly I am worried she is going to call out for me and I wont hear her. I haven't even had the tv or music on at night so I can hear her if she calls. I will be back sometime tomorrow with more circus details and maybe some layouts to share.

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