Friday, March 16, 2007

On the subject of guests

are they actually considered guests if you are sitting there the whole time wishing they would bugger off? Lisa told Nan her, Gary and the kids would be coming here to watch comic relief and ordering pizza. I was not best impressed since Friday is usually my favourite night of the week because its peaceful. They were supposed to be here at 6:30pm and never turned up until 7:30pm, because Lisa had been on the phone to her friend. She vaguely asks what pizza to get and then orders what the hell she wants ignoring the request anyway and then informs me, I am paying half. Rapidly sliding from unhappy to very pissed off. If I wanted pizza I would have gone to the supermarket and bought a twin pack for £1.50 from Iceland I certainly wouldn't pay £10 for a pizza with toppings I don't even want. The kids are running around screeching, I am missing NCIS and right now I would kill to be a coffee drinker. Caffeine sounds fab right now. I am so so tired. I have resorted to lime squash and vodka, it was just going to be lime squash but 10 minutes with those kids and out came the vodka. Nan is moaning because the house is wrecked, she's tired too and she's worried about eating anything this late. I guarantee she will be whinging about this for a least the remainder of the weekend. Sounds like there is speedway at the stadium, I would so much rather be there. But above all I would rather be asleep in my bed or at least laid in it watching my TV programs.

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