Wednesday, January 02, 2008

it's come to my attention

that some people may actually be reading my blog lol. It's also suddenly occured to me that sometimes when I write blog posts I write them like I am posting on a messageboard oops lol. See what I mean, so I thought a quick list of the common abbreviations I use might help. If it doesn't help anyone out it will at least serve as a reminder to my senile brain (which is already well on it's way to being around full time) of what I was typing actually moaning about.
lol = laugh out loud, I use it when I just want to try and laugh at the situation I am typing about that little lol is usually my attempt at humour (or at least making the situation not look as crappy as it actually is)
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing, or pml = peeing myself laughing I use those when I actually do think something was very funny there isn't an attempt at sarcasm there (well usually lol)
dh = usually on messageboard the d stands for dear or darling on here it usually stands for dumbass, dirty, or some other deragatory term about my husband because if you read this you all know what he's like. I make no attempt to try and pretend I have a perfect marriage or a perfect life, or that my husband is anything but a pig most of the time.
I can't think of any others I use often, if I am talking about websites there is usually a link in the post somewhere.
I believe on occasion I may have used the term BIL = usually means brother in law over here i'm not usually that nice about Mark's brother and his wife they are the beastly in laws or the much less polite term that I don't want to type lol.
Along the same lines MIL usually means monster in law not mother in law and that bloody old perv means the father in law.
But if anyone does read anything and they aren't sure what the heck I am on about email me or leave me a comment, I would be happy to try and explain where my rambling mind took me lol.

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

rofl @ your abbreviations! lol