Wednesday, February 07, 2007

40 Days Day 6 and sicky baby

Layout for day six is done, you can see it here,
The journalling reads:Everyday I get up and see you,I am inspired to be a bettermum you fuel my creativity andsurround me with ideas. You aremy muse and I adore you Lukas.
When I first read the challenge for today I knew exactly what my layout was going to be about because Lukas always has been my biggest source of inspiration and he probably always will be.
He's been poorly today, spent the whole of last night screaming. I couldn't find out what was wrong, I finally gathered that his ear was hurting him again and after much screaming on his part, shouting from frustration on mine we came to inevitable conclusion - He threw up all over me. he's a strange child refuses to take any medication so I can't do anything for him when he is in pain and it hurts me. He spent most of today sleeping on the sofa and looking miserable, he's been sick a few times and has a rash all over his bum. Gave him a bath and suddenly he became the energiser bunny lol. He's asleep now but very restless I have to keep checking on him, to satisfy my mummy paranoia and make sure he's not having another nosebleed. I really hate it when he is ill. I am off to bed now because I am really tired and I get the feeling he isn't going to be asleep long. Catch you tomorrow xx

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