Sunday, February 04, 2007

Day Three

I have uploaded my layout for day three here,complete with full credits.But like much of my scrapping today something seems wrong to me with it, I will probably redo it tomorrow I think its the colours I picked that are wrong. Incase you want to read the journalling:
If anyone was to ask me what it was that I really wanted they would probably be surprised at the answer.I want to get up for one morning in my life and not feel any pain. I hope one day to overcome whatver medical issues make my life a misery.I want to be able to take Lukas to school everyday and play with him like a normal mum. I often feel like I am letting him down because of my health issues. I don’t like letting him down.t would give me a great deal of joy if our lives were blessed with another child. I would love a baby girl but a baby boy would be great too.We all miss Leo so much. I hope that Lukas and Mark will always be happy and that we can conquer any problems as a family. I hope that Nan is with me for a long time to come,because I truly will be lost without her.My dreams always come back to my family because they are my whole world.

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