Thursday, February 22, 2007

40 Days day 19

You can see the layout here,
Journalling reads:Scrapbooking means different things to different people. Many scrap to leave their legacy as tangible pieces of artwork. For others the making of the layouts is actually more important than the memory that it preserves. I am determined that I have forgotten enough things. From the multiple medical issues I have forgotten things that should have been burned on to my memory. I want to preserve the memories of Leo and ensure that he is never forgotten. I want Lukas to remember the fun things we did together and how much I loved him. I want that to overshadow all the times I let him down because I am too ill to play with him or take him to school. Scrapping is a great release for all my emotions and a source of enjoyment to me.I love to create layouts, especially when I can share them and bring joy to other people. I have learnt so much about myself from ym scrapping. I hope to continue to learn and grow as a woman, a scrapper and a mother. I want to leave a piece of my heart and soul in every page. I am a mother preservingthe memories of my family in scrapbook pages. I take the time to record our special times with heartfelt journalling and photographs. I am a shopperholic buying new products to help preserve my memories with my own unique style and flair. Always searching for the next must have digital scrapbooking item.I am the voice for my pages giving the pictures the clarity to be more than just photos to give them the chance to tell their stories. To infuse my pages with my heart and soul.I am a person on a journey looking for the legacy I am supposed to leave behind. Discovering things about my inner demons and how I have overcome them and become strong.
That leaves me with 2 to catch up on I think or maybe 3 not sure.

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