Friday, September 08, 2006

Week from hell

I guess some weeks in life just leave you stunned, confused and not sure how you have arrived at the point you are in life.
This has been one of those weeks. The fight with Mark left me unsure of what I feel towards him. Even now we are on shaky ground, where we go from here is uncertain at best.
Yesterday I lost a large amount of digi stash again, I was devastated and felt like for some reason everything was just going wrong.
My response was to have a few drinks so I could go to sleep and hopefully wake up to everything being better. Getting drunk is never the answer to solving problems but I did get a great nights sleep. I woke up and found out that 3 of my friends have decided to leave the team on UKS. I feel so sad. I want to be angry but its just not happening, because I feel responsible. I feel like its I have been moaning a lot and I know no-one want to hear about other peoples problems. I have tried to keep my moaning to here though. I feel so overwhelmed by life and everything lately. I just want to have some way to make things better, I will be happy with just one day thats not full of drama.


Saskia said...

Hi Crystal,

Thank you for your comment on my blog freebie. I'm sorry to hear you couldn't download it. Maybe if I give you the direct link to rapidshare it will work?

Here it is:

(you should click "free" on the bottom right, and wait 60 seconds I believe).


ps I tried to e-mail you first but my message came back undelivered.

Saskia said...

Hmm, this doesn't work either I'm afraid. :-(

If you leave me another comment on my blog with the right e-mail addy I will resend my e-mail, ok?
