Monday, September 04, 2006

My Blog a directory of ads

With my spending addiction this blog oftens turns into an ad for various scrapping resources and sites. But according to certain people placing a link to this blog as part of my signature is against the rules because it links to other places.So since this is MY BLOG and its in capital letters so that anyone reading it has that point driven home, I am going to continue doing whatever I want on it. No-one has to read it. Theres even a disclaimer at the top of it so if I want to place ads for every site I frequent then I bloody well will do and if anybody doesn't like it well they can just sod off!
Can you tell I am pretty angry today? Good.
If a collection of rules states you can place a link to your blog then how can they then try and sensor what is contained within that blog?
In my opinion that is trying to remove my right to free speech.
The thoughts and feelings conveyed in this blog are mine and mine alone. While I try to reign in some opinions so I don't offend people or hurt peoples feelings I don't believe that I actually have to. Well I choose not to swear on this blog as far as I know there is no reason why I shouldn't. My blog is not breaking any laws that I know of or as far as I am concerned any rules laid out at present.
I believe it is hypocritical to make one set of rules for any one thing/person thats essentially the same as others which receive no punishment and are actually encouraged.
Lets look at it in more detail. The internet works on reccomendations/reciprocal links etc.
The example I present it this.
A scrapper happens upon dedicated2digital>follows links provided to Decembers blog>Deccember has a link to my blog>My Blog has a link to Debs blog>Debs blog has a link to My Craft Studio via this chain it works out that these two businesses are advertising each other. Obviously theres a more direct route (I have link to both available lol) but this demonstartes my point. People see links follow them and find more links along the way its the whole point behind the internet. So on that note my advertisement for today is you follow my link to Debs blog and show her some love and support in her time of need, because some people are just bullies.
So today I have learnt apparently do as I say not as I do is still the way of the world. My answer to that is simple - Hell No

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