Sunday, September 17, 2006

Just need to vent.

There are two many thoughts racing around my head so I need to let some go for a while.
Last night two major events happened, I went to my mums and she was actually nice and helpful. She was even nice to Mark. Personally I am favouring the she's possessed option lol.
She doesn't do nice its unnerving.So we spent a long time at my mums and then we got home. I was just sorting emails and talking to a friend when my phone started to giggle (thats my ringtone). I knew something was wrong and when I saw Nans number I panicked. I said I would go straight down and she never argued, thats not Nan.I called a taxi and went home to her. When I called the out of hours doctors they heard her age and refused to deal with her, put me straight through to the ambulance service. When they arrived they checked her over did and ECG,BP,SATS, and asked loads of questions. Shes stubborn as a mule they said they could take her to the hospital or they could call a doctor out who would probably take a few hours, and she does her usual "I dont want to go to hospital". So I replied in my eloquent manner "shut up and do as your told" lol. Then she starts nagging me about my allergy medication now that was very Nan and I was suddenly a lot less worried. I had a first of riding in the front of an ambulance (usually I am in back lol),They ran a few tests on her at the hospital - ECG,BP,Heart,Pulse,Urine,Blood,Xrays, They gave her some kick ass painkillers and said she could go home. Maniac taxi driver and extortionate ride home only to find daft people had left the cannula in her arm. I'm so glad I know how to remove them,she sometimes being bad has its uses - I can only remove them because of removing my own so many times.So after a night of worrying and no sleep fingers crossed she's a lot better now. Strangely all my doubts about whether I wanted to get married no longer exist she scared me and I want her to see me married, even though Mark is currently driving me up the wall lol.
We're just off to a birthday party, so will be back later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad all is well Crystal, I know how much your nan means to you, xxxx