Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bad Bad blogger

But blogging seems pointless at the moment because I have nothing to moan about. LOL
So lets try some blog prompts.
06/09/06 The world is a wondrous place. If family, money and a job were not a factor, where would you most like to live? Why? What are the factors, to you, that make a great place to live? What do you like or not like about where you live currently?
I dont care where in the world I am as long as Mark,Nan and Lukas are there. I only need them an internet connection and my computer to make me happy. I am really looking forward to finally moving back to Nans though, thats my ideal home. Soppy today aren't I lol.

07/09/06 What are five ways you can think of (or perhaps have done) that may change the course of someone's life for the better? What small things can you do to make the world a better place?
Five things I think would make the world better, thats a tough question. Lets see well as you can see from my previous post I dont think that enough people pick up the phone and call their friends/family for a chat anymore. I also dont think enough people take the time to really listen to what other people say. I would love to see people taking the time to just be for a while and do something they enjoy. Taking the time thats spent feeling guilty for not doing xxx (insert thing of choice) and using it to have fun would be great. I dont know I cant really think right now. I like to think I make the world a better place by doing these things and telling people they are special to me and appreciated.

08/09/06 How has your scrapbooking (layouts, skills, attitude, likes/dislikes, etc.) changed or evolved since you started? If it hasn’t changed, should it? Has scrapbooking (or its evolution) impacted your life in any way? New friends? New experiences? New attitudes?
OMG where do I start with this one. Without scrapping I wouldn't have the wonderful collection of friends worldwide that I have, I would probably be back on the anti-depressants or lower than that and I definately wouldn't be planning my wedding.
It was working on layouts that let me really explore my feelings and work out how I felt, it helped me deal with the pain of losing Leo. I have found a whole new artistic side to myself. I feel creative and free but most of all useful. This one needs exploring in more depth so I will come back to it.

10/09/06 This weeks question:YOUR FAVOURITE LAYOUTS....If you have to choose two Layouts - one of your own, and one of someone elses that inspires you - what would they be? Its a time to boost you're own ego as well as someone elses!!Post a link or photo of the layouts on your blog with words of praise to youself and those you have chosen.You are worth it!
Will take some thought.

11/09/06 Use a quote that describes your life, your feelings, your fears, or your thoughts. Talk about how it applies to you. A quote can be a proverb, a saying, a line from a song or poem or book, a family saying — whatever is meaningful to you.
A while back the song I have on this blog would have summed me up perfectly Incomplete. Listen to the words and you will see where I was. Now I would be more inclined to chose my favourite song of all time Ronan Keatings Lovin' Each Day. The words for that seem perfect right now "im loving each day as if its the last,dancing all night and having a blast". Ok admitedly it would be more like scrapping/chatting all night but you get my point.

14/09/06 What technology/tools do you use in scrapping and/or your life in general? How has it changed your life? If it were gone tomorrow, how would it affect you? Which of the new technologies/tools do you embrace, or do you treat them as a necessary evil?
Now as a Digi Scrapper thats lost her stash twice I can answer this question without hesitation. If my computer was gone tomorrow I would cry my heart out. I adore my computer without access to my digi stash,my pictures and probably most importanly my internet I go crazy. Everything I love except Lukas,Nan and Mark lives in this computer. I would miss my friends and my creative release. Now emails those are a necessary evil lol. I swear they breed when I am not looking. They seem to multiply from nowhere, except when I am waiting for one and then they get lost in cyberspace. lol

What’s your ‘creative process’? Where do you get your inspiration? How do you like to work (for example, do you like quiet or stimulating music? Does the house have to be tidied first?)? What really gets the juice flowing for you? What do you do if it stops? What inhibits your creativity?
My creative process I will confess that just like the rest of my life its pretty random lol. Sketches are a great source of inspiration for me. But I have been found taking pictures of trees because "it would make a great pattern", Taking a screen shot of my printer screen because "the curve graphics would make a cool accent on a page". I see inspiration everywhere. Pages can start with a picture or with a kit, with a layout in mind or even with the idea of lets just play and see what happens. I like to work to music though when I am writing poetry I prefer silence. Does my house need to be tidy *sniggers* as if lol. I am messy messy messy.If my creativity stops I try something new a tutorial,kit,designer is usually enough to give me the kick up the bum I need. Sometimes my favourite thing to do is scraplift myself take an old layout and redo it maybe in different colours or a different arrangement just to prove to myself I can still scrap.

18/09/06 If you could find out the truth about one thing, what would it be?
I think if I had to choose one thing it would be why Leo died. When the coronor recorded an inconclusive verdict I was hurt,upset and furious. All that time waiting and not knowing and we still didn't know anything. I hated them for performing 2 autopsies for nothing, I hated them for keeping him for so long. I just wanted to know why and they couldn't tell me. I felt cheated by that.

19/09/06 How do you keep up with the ‘latest trends’ in scrapbooking, or do you? What’s your favourite ‘latest trend’ at the moment? Have you tried it yourself? What’s your favourite trend that you DO use a lot?
Right now my favourite digi stash is layered templates, if you haven't seen these yet have you been asleep? These are they next generation of sketches, they aren't flattened so all you do is select you template and your kit>place paper/element above layer you want it to become >press ctrl+g (pse) or ctrl+alt+g (pscs2) and you group the paper to the layer of the template>move the paper to where you want it and press Ctrl+e to merge them together.Very very cool.
If I don't like a "trend" I just dont use it on my layouts.

If you were to build a patchwork quilt to represent your life -- one in which each square would represent a milestone or a quality that, when taken as a whole quilt, would capture the essence of who you are for your family and friends when you are gone -- what would it look like, what would you include? Describe a few of the patchwork pieces.
This one will need a layout and another day, I'ts nearly 5am lol.

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