Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let the moaning recommence

Remember how I said I had nothing to moan about today I do.
Lets start with Royal Mail and post in general. I received a letter today stating they would be stopping my child benefit for Lukas because I hadn't filled in a form. I hadn't received the stupid thing in the first place. So the poor man on the other end of the phone got an earful, but I got my money back lol. I also had a letter from the bank because I went £3.33 over my overdraft - with spending they authorised I may add they have charged me £30 *sigh* I hate banks and I would swear 90% of the time they allow the money to be spent so they can charge me grrr.
The other letter I received today was saying that my magazine subscription that the bank authorised had been returned due to lack of funds whats the betting theres a charge for that as well.
Now we can move onto another pet hate of mine - Lukas's nursery.
You may recall my issue with them last term was Lukas's teacher aka the hound from hell. Today I have a new issue and it boils down to them trying to tell me how to be a parent.
On Lukas's first day we took him together, with two changes of clothes in his bag, made a point of telling the teachers this is Lukas, this is Lukas's bag his clothes are in there.
Lukas came home in a pair of their pants and trousers not because he had used his but because apparently "none were supplied for him". Lukas was ill after that came out in a rash I bit my tongue and said nothing. When he went back after being ill Mark picked him up and the teacher had a go at Mark because Lukas can't dress himself. He can he just needs a little help can't do buttons,socks etc. I still said nothing even though I was annoyed.Next session Mark picked him up again this time they were moaning because Lukas cant write his name without help hes only just 4 and I dont really think that is an issue. He will get there eventually. He's been off ill again etc and today what they said has made me furious. Note this stuff always gets said to Mark they dont dare say it to me, "You, have an extremely overweight lazy child, he needs some serious exercise". Lukas was a premature baby and I have taken him to the Doctors more times than I can count because he has no energy - just like his mum. As a child I was severly anaemic to the point of having weekly iron injections and iron tablets 3 times a day. They are looking into whether Lukas has the same problem. When we took him for his check etc they said he was large for his age. Asked for a food diary and were shocked at how little he actually eats. When I registered Lukas I told them about all this. I warned them that some days he cant do anything because he is so tired. I think saying that was damn rude and insensitive. I will be taking him to school tomorrow and I very much doubt I will be able to hold my tongue. The other thing about school today that annoyed me is he has homework! HE'S 4!!. Also has a letter saying they are taking them weekly to something called Forest School think mud and outdoor activities. Lukas despises mud and dirt. I have to pay for the priveledge of making him do something he will hate. Great and it gets better they require Parent Volunteers. I would rather eat my own head but I guarantee I will get guilted into it just like I always do, if not I am willing to bet Lukas will do his usual - Mummy can do it.
GRRRRRRRR I need chocolate, then I have more tidying up to do *sigh*

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