Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another post just because I can lol

I know the last post was massive but I was full of ramblings and thoughts and never really gave any updates about whats been going on around here.
Lets go back a week, last weekend Josh (Marks Nephew if you dont read this often) came up on the Friday I offered to have him while his mum and dad went shopping and long story short without actually agreeing I got left with him overnight. So Friday night Josh and Lukas had a play and generally trashed the house (nothing new there lol) and went to sleep. Lukas never got to go swimming like we had promised because the seat thing we paid for last time Josh stayed had gone home with him thanks to Marks stupid mother *sigh*. Saturday we had a big family day out to the park planned. We decided we would still go and we would just take Josh as well. Went to get him dressed in the clothes we bought last time he stayed and surprise surprise most of them were gone yep you guessed it home with Josh again thank to Marks mother. So eventually we find something to put him in and get them both ready to go, make a packed lunch etc. Time for hats and suncream do you think Lukas's hat that Josh borrowed was actually in our house like it should have been nope. The only other hat that Lukas has that I am willing to lend to Josh and that would actually fit him is wait for it - still at nursery apparently Mark forgot to bring it, and Lukas's bag and jacket home on Thursday oh joy. Tempers by this point are getting very frayed its boiling hot and I am throughly fed up to put it mildly. We drag into the city centre to buy Josh a hat to wear and finally head towards the park. This is about 2pm by now! Gets to the park to give Lukas the promised train ride to find train doesn't start running for the summer until tomorrow. You can imagine Lukas's reaction lol. We do the feeding the ducks playing in the park thing. Fill the cameras (camera/memorycard and mobile phone lol) and then decide to head home. I tell Mark he has to ask his brother for £5 towards cost of day. Now truthfully normally I just buy Josh's clothes and nappies etc when they dump him on me and say nothing but I was very fed up. So Mark reluctantly asks him for the cash. This is saturday remember and David (Marks brother) gets paid on Friday, when Mark asks him apparently he has no money left because wait for it they went drinking last night. I was fuming. We get home and they are sat in the living room, We watch the England vs Portugal match (we dvd recorded it) just dont get me started on that! Get Josh and Lukas all bathed and then they take him home no thanks for having him etc. That night we had a BBQ and slept in the tent in the garden which made Lukas happy. I cant think of anything interesting that happened this week, oh wait yes I can. Me and Lukas went to a birthday party and I had a severe reaction to the balloons lol. Skip forward to Friday and David comes up with Joshua after various threats from me upstairs Mark asks David for the £5 and relunctantly David gives it to him. Saturday morning after another night of rubbish sleep and being in pain, been like this for a while and before you say it yes I know I need to make a doctors appointment lol. I get rudely awoken by the phone ringing. Its David apparently his stupid wife (Elizabeth if anyones interested) has done something to her eye and they need us to have Josh, so being the suckers that we are we agree because apparently its an "emergency". Mark goes to the bus stop to go and get him and gets a call to say "oh we dont have to go to the hospital until the morning now", Mark walks all the way home to be greeted by a whinging Lukas demanding to knwo where Josh is. *sigh* so Mark rings back and says "blah blah blah we will have him overnight blah blah blah Lukas wants him here". Mark starts to set off again and off goes Lukas "I want to come" Mark takes him and eventually they get back with Josh. I ask a really simple question "When are they coming to get him?" and get a shrug of shoulders apparently no-one thought to mention how long Josh would actually be staying for. Great. I forgot to mention that his stupid parents had sent him with no shoes didn't I, apparently they couldn't find a pair - he has 3 that I bought him as well as the other hideous ones they have bought. So I have two options I can be stuck in the house with Lukas and Josh - not a very appealing prospect or I can buy him yet another pair of shoes, I feel like a doormat. I also feel guilty as hell because Lukas is missing yet another promised swimming trip because of Josh. Lukas has also missed nursery for the last two fridays because of Josh. Maybe the part I find infuriating is that people always do this to me. I took Lukas to the hospital so many times with me. Bless him he has been in the back of an ambulance quite a few times. Its one of the funniest memories I have of when Leo was born was Lukas moaning because he never got to ride in the ambulance again lol. If we can manage to do it why can't other people? Josh makes me feel guilty, because all I seem to do while he is here is tell him off because his awful parents dont tell him off for anything at all and it makes him a little monster. He knows I wont let him do it. Despite this the first thing that little boy does when he comes here is come running towards me with his arms out for a cuddle. It does hurt me that he walks around all sad and getting all excited when he hears noise in the garden because he thinks it his daddy. They couldn't give a shit about him they would dump him on anyone who would take him, but David is Josh's favourite person in the whole world. It sucks. Marks off work for a little while longer because him thumb still hasn't healed completely. I think when he does go back its going to be a huge shock to his system hes been off for ages now, first for the depression and then for his thumb I cant even remember the last time he went to work. Im going to miss him when he goes back but it will be nice to have some time on my own. I think this is another huge post so i'm going to shut up now lol.

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