Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mrs Wresh Blog Challenge Week 11

wow those weeks have just flown by I would no way have said we started these challenges 12 weeks ago, the next one will be the last and I am a little sad about it. I have really enjoyed doing these challenges, some of them have really made me think and I think almost every one of them is something that I might not have scrapped without the challenge. This one has taken me all day to do everything I used looked wrong, not good enough for one of the only photos we have of her. The journalling came easy I wrote that down yesterday but then I ended up not having time to sit down and do the layout. But I am quite proud of the end result.
Credits: Layered Template by Mrs Wresh (Template 130), Grandma's Treasures and Wisdom In Legacy by Royanna Lea Fritschmann and Cherry Blossom Borders by Megan Farrows (Flergs). Fonts are CAC Pinafore, Colour Me Purple by Kimberly Geswein and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin.

Journalling: I was lucky enough to get to know you, but never very well. There are so many things I never felt comfortable saying to you, because as lovely as you were you were always kind of unapproachable. I used to feel intimidated by you a little. I was only 10 when you died and since then I have often thought of things that I wish I had asked you while I had the chance. I would love to have known about when you were growing up and when you met grandad, If I had the chance to ask you just 10 questions I know just what I would ask.
1. What do you remember most from your childhood?
2. Nan has often told me of the stories you used to tell her about working in the easter egg factory, but second hand stories are never as good as the real thing, so what was it like to work there?
3. How did you meet grandad?
4. Do you remember what it was like in the war?
5. What was the most memorable moment of your life?
6. Were you proud of the way your kids turned out?
7. After Grandad died, how did you cope?
8. Is there anything you regret about your life?
I suppose the last questions I would have may sound silly to some but it has always played on my mind, I would want to know if you were in pain and if you felt alone when you died. I know Nan has always felt guilty that we had just left after being with you all day long when you died. I really hope you never suffered and your journey to heaven was peaceful. I hope you were too busy being with grandad and enjoying heaven to watch some of the things that happened after you died. One day I will hopefully join you in heaven and you can tell me all the answers until then take care of Leo for me and please don't be too disappointed in the way things have turned out down here after all we are only human. I love you Nana.

Enabling: Grandma's Treasures and Wisdom In Legacy by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here and here, Cherry Blossoms Borders by Megan Farrows (Flergs) available here. CAC Pinafore available here, Colour Me Purple by Kimberly Geswein available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here. The template was a freebie on Mrs Wresh's blog I believe, but you could always check out her store it may be available in one of her template packs.

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