Friday, April 25, 2008

4 days and no scrapping?

no you are right that wouldn't happen lol. I have been scrapping (well not yesterday but the other two days lol) but I can't share them because what I used isn't available for sale yet. Scrapping like this seems alien to me lol because my process usually goes something like
find kit>find photos>scrap layout>save layout>resize layout for web>save again> write credits>mass upload layout to blog and galleries>enable purchases on blog. But sometimes I find the photo first and then the kit lol. Then there are times when I get fed up and just can't finish a layout for one reason or other so I save it as a work in progress and go back to it. It's not even funny how many times I have logged in and started uploading my layouts and then remembered I can't I guess it's become a bit of a habit like how I open the fridge every time I go in the kitchen. I hardly ever get anything out of it I just open the door look inside and shut the door again. Now the question becomes if I can form habits for that why can't I form some that will help me get organised or tidy lol. I guess I am in a rambling mood today lol. That might have something to do with being here all by myself, Lukas has gone out with Mark and neither of them wanted me to come. I am scrapping a layout but I have stalled since I am currently, searching for some wordart to use on it. I have a thing for wordart and I have lots most of it used to be tagged in ACDSEE (remember back to when I told you Mark reinstalled my computer and lost a lot of stuff because he was too lazy to back it up, ACDSEE was one of the casulaties) so finding some appropriate wordart now takes an age and is guaranteed to drive me a little insane, and I have some great wordart so to say it's frustrating is a huge understatement. Anyway I suppose I really should go and do something productive instead of blogging, so i'll be back later.

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