Stressed and Depressed!
I got my period last night, and I had honestly forgotten what a pain in the bum it is, I haven't had one since October when I had my Depo injection. Anyway normally I don't get any pain or none that I notice in between all the other pain I feel daily
. This time though the pain in my stomach is worse than when I had my boys. It's kept me awake for the last few nights and I am slowly going insane through lack of sleep. It's not just the lack of sleep though it's Mark as well he is driving me up the wall and I am
I don't know how to change him and their are days when I could quite happily pack his bags and file for a divorce! That's the first time I have admitted on my blog how bad things are. There are times when I swear he is trying to drive me crazy so I will divorce him and he can go running back to his mum's and sit on his backside doing nothing forever. My list of complaints goes something like this:
1. He never takes his washing downstairs, he doesn't even put it into the washing basket it's dumped as he takes it off onto the floor, where it stays until I finally give in and move it.
2. He has to be forced to take a bath, I only have the energy for that row once/twice a week so the rest of the time he stinks, really really badly. Nan is constantly moaning at me about it.
3. He will eat packet after packet of crisps, drink bottle after bottle of coke and he dumps all the rubbish onto the floor. I have tried leaving the bin their, a black sack their it doesn't matter if the bin is closer he still drops it on the floor.
4. He forgets absolutely everything. I can send him to Tesco for two things, with a list and he will still come back without them. It's not just shopping, he can be asked to do something finally get off his butt to go and do it and come back a long time after, ask him where whatever he went to get is and he just says I forgot.
5. The television is on constantly, day, night, weekend whenever, and he stares blankly at it. What's on the TV you ask? Sport always bloody sport. He watches every kind of sport known to mankind. I tried to compromise and say he could watch all but cricket, tennis, golf, darts and snooker because they are duller than ditchwater, but it still doesn't work he still put them on and causes a row. He also plays the playstation2 and/or laptop for hours on end ignoring everything and everyone. Including me and Lukas.
6. He can never ever take his dirty dishes downstairs, he will leave them everywhere, on my desk, on the floor. They also stay there until I move them.
7. He never closes anything, for example as I am sitting here now all three of his large clothes drawers are wide open where he has taken things out of them and walked away. This issue applies to not putting things back either. He leaves cupboard doors open, drawers open, scissors with blades open on the kitchen side. I could go on forever about that.
8. He doesn't listen to a word I say to him, and then when I ask him if he's listening he bites my head off. The alternative version is when he answers ok to anything I say, that drives me crazy and makes me want to smash his face in! I usually end up screaming something along the lines of "No it's not bloody ok you ignorant git".
9. He treats me and Lukas like something he has stepped in. I honestly wouldn't talk to a dog like he talks to me or Lukas. He's snappy and irritable all the time. Any little thing we say can get our heads bitten off. He talks down to everyone like he is superior or something. Constantly interrupting other people's conversations to insert some boring/irrelevant or just completely wrong information. He does it to everyone including the doctors when I go for my appointments.
10. The sheer and utter laziness. I can ask him to do the same thing over and over and over again and either I get ignored completely, get the "I'll do it in a minute" (you can easily expect that job to get done an hour later minimum after that phrase". When he does do anything he only does a half job of it and then doesn't understand why I am pissed at him. The one thing we ask him to do on a regular basis is sort the rubbish we have to recycle certain things, so they have to go into different bins, he spends 5 minutes in the garden then comes in and says it's done, knowing there's no way he could do it that quick I go and check and see that all he has done is put the right stuff on top of the wrong stuff so when the boxes/bins are opened they look right.
I think I have made my point about how bad he is to live with. I have a bombsite of a bedroom, I am feeling ill all the time and I just can't cope anymore. All I am ever doing is arguing with someone. Either with him or with Nan because of him. I am fed up with living in mess and being snapped at and moaned at day in day out. It's too much to bear especially when you feel so exhausted mentally and physically.
I have another post to do all about what I have done today (been to Lukas's Pirate Party at school) with some photos to post. So I will do that now.
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