This is my favourite one I took yesterday they look so grown up and cute at the same time lol.
What else do I have to talk about not a lot, I am a grumpy cow today because I got my period again. I wish the stupid thing would make it's mind up and go for being regular again or going away completely. I get so sick of how it comes when it feels like it, is heavy one minute looking like it's stopped the next, go without protection and guarantee it decides to get heavy again. I can hardly get my jeans on because I am retaining so much water everywhere, I can't wear my wedding ring and I am utterly fed up with the normal constant pain now being mixed with crampy period pains that just won't quit! I hate being a girl lol. I haven't got any scrapping done today because my little angel was awake all night he woke up for some reason unknown to me, and was a little horror for the rest of the night, he drifted off to sleep at 7:30am this morning and then got rudely woken 30 minutes later for school lol. I asked him if he was tired at school and he told me he went to sleep at school lol. They must think I am a really terrible mother and I don't make him go to bed. I really wish they could see the battles I have with him to go to bed every night, don't get me wrong Lukas isn't an awful child by any stretch of the imagination but he is his mummy's boy, he is stubborn as a mule and he only goes to sleep when he wants to go to sleep. I don't really care what time he drifts off I can always get him up for school, but I do need him in his bedroom being quiet from about 9pm because otherwise Nan is moaning and Mark is moaning and honestly they get on my nerves. Mark has moved my bedroom around today, he promises to tidy up the chaos he has created tomorrow, I promised to make him sleep in the shed if he doesn't lol. I'm just feeling really grumpy about everything the tiny things are irratating the heck out of me. I spent most of today catching some sleep, I was hoping I would wake up feeling a bit less emotional but no such luck, I woke up with a temperature, worse pain and the feeling of being completely useless because I didn't manage to get anything done. The weather is not helping either is so humid and sticky yuck. I would take the cold (even though is makes my hands hurt more) any day. I do have something nice to talk about though it's called a squishee it's a support pillow thing made of lycra and I would guess gel beads of some sort it feels similar to the wrist rest on my mouse mat, it's soft and moulds to your body and it rocks!! I could quite happily strap it to my body and never take it off. I got it in Lime Green but there were loads of other colours. Nan got the neck pillow version but her's is damaged so it has to go back. It was a bargain for £4.99!
Right gotta go I am off to bed. Hopefully will be back tomorrow and maybe you can even have a cheerful post lol
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