Friday, December 07, 2007

Giving the gift that keeps on giving - Chickens

Yes I know with every post I make lately you get more and more convinced that I have lost my mind completely. But with a bit of explanation today's will make sense I promise. To help you understand a bit better you need a bit of background on Lukas's school. Lukas goes to Pegasus school and they have a program (that I don't completely understand) with another school in Africa. Over the school holidays some of the teachers went over there to help out. Through the year every fundraising event the school does they donate a proportion of the money to this other school. Tonight we went to Lukas's Christmas Fete along with all the usual sales and games we found some really interesting things like a Santa's Grotto (£1.50 and Lukas got a little present), The nativity petting zoo (£0.50 each to see donkeys, sheep etc) and then we stumbled across a table covered in cards. On closer inspection we saw that these cards were a gift for christmas to give to someone else.
The card reads:I've given you some chickens for Christmas, but you don't have to look after them! They've been given to Nakanyonyi Primary School, near Jinja in Uganda. The Chickens' eggs will feed orphans and some will be sold to buy pencils and exercise books for the school. So............ your present is bringing happiness to lots of children in Uganda and, I hope, to you too! Happy Christmas. Your voucher is on the back of the card.
The voucher says: £1.00 voucher, the money raised from the sale of this voucher will be used solely for the purpose of purchasing chickens for Nakanyonyi Primary School.
They had three different "vouchers" for sale £1.00 bought 5 chickens, £10.00 bought 100 chickens and I think the other one was £25 bought 1000 chickens but I could be slightly wrong on the last one. We bought 5 chickens and no I don't intend to gift them to someone, I just felt like doing some charitable and cute Lukas's school got £1, the other school got 5 chickens and me well I got the satisfaction of knowing we had done something nice for someone else and something new to scrap about lol.

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