Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's impossible to forget

no matter how hard you try, that on this day 7 years ago something happened that changed the world forever. September 11th 2001 when the Twin Towers in America were taken down by terrorist hijacked aeroplanes. A quick google search will summarise this day better than I ever could with it mixture of images of suffering, terror, fear and despair combined with stories of patriotism, heroism, bravery and more than anything hope. Through the darkest of times people showed just how much they are able to cope with, how strong they could be and as difficult as it was they survived and they walked out of the other side. This day makes me cry every time I think about it, all those people who just went to work that day thinking it was a normal day. They never knew they wouldn't be coming home, that when they kissed wives/husbands and maybe kids goodbye that would be the last time. My thoughts wonder to the people who didn't get to do that maybe they left in a hurry, or they had been arguing with their loved ones and my heart aches for the guilt and sorrow the people left behind must feel. But I try hard not to think about it, sure there are things about September 11th that should make us proud, but today my thoughts are with those left behind, the others who are tormented by the events that occured 7 years ago and to the ones who like me are trying not to remember just why today is not just another day on the calendar. This date will always bring back memories, no amount of time will ever change that. It will always be the anniversary of the day the world waged a war on terror. That we stood up and recognised there are people in this world who will stop at nothing to make a point, there are people who don't care how many lives are lost to get their message across.

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