Thursday, September 04, 2008

Am I alone in thinking that it never ends?

There always seems to be one thing after another going wrong around here, first there was Nan's broken arm and her hospital stay, then we added in Lukas being sick and Mark being off work and this was all on top of my own health issues. I always seem to find myself saying it will get better when... insert something here Mark goes back to work, Lukas goes back to school. Then something else goes wrong and I just end up further and further behind then where I started. It feels like swimming in the ocean, and the tide is always against you leaving you further back then where you started originally. Basically you have two choices either lay back and let the current take you where it wants you to go or swim against it. The problem with choosing the swimming option is sometimes you get tired and you just want to give up and drown. Right now I am doggy paddling my way through life, I am getting by not really making much progress, not getting too far just doing enough to prevent being dragged too far back. I am not ready to admit defeat and just lay back and let life take me where it wants me to go. That's why I am sitting here, and I am choosing to sit and go through emails, and do all my other day to day stuff when every part of my body is screaming to be allowed to go back to bed. That's why I bothered to get dressed and I am not taking painkillers which will only make me more sleepy. In a minute I am going to attempt to cross some things off that are written on the huge to-do list that is threatening to become a to-do book lol.

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