Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Yuck I feel rough

I dont remember the last time I felt this ill. I have flu and it's making me miserable. It's definately not normal for me to cry so much everything has made me cry today. I even got to the point where I shut myself in the bathroom and locked the door because I couldn't stand Lukas's whinging anymore. I resorted to asking Mark to please go and buy something so I could at least move my head, light is hurting my eyes everything aches and I am not even going to get started on how much my ears are hurting, how sore my throat is or how many times I have wiped/blown my nose, I really should buy stocks in tissues lol. I am moaning I know actually I feel a lot better now then I have all day but 4 paracetamol, 4 asprin, some ibruprofen, decongestants and a heat patch on my back have helped lol. Lukas is still poorly but hasn't been sick today or at least not while I have been awake lol. He doesn't have much of a temperature now and seems to just be moany and want hugs all the time. Nan is still on holiday haven't heard from her today, she called last night to let me know her plane was delayed. Hopefully she's having a lovely time. I have set up a new blog to highlight all of my 360 degrees of inspiration layouts. I thought it would stop this one being overwhelmed with posts of images. You can view that blog here. I might add the other layouts I have done at Divine Digital as well - the pearls of joy series, the 40 days of scrapping purpose, the life scrapper etc. I am proud of all these layouts and I would love an easy way to showcase them all. I don't think I have anything else to say today. So will be back tomorrow.

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