Thursday, November 08, 2007

Why am I the only one whose cold?

I'm sat here with a duvet wrapped around me, a cardigan on and I am still cold while everyone else is telling me I am crazy. Nan even has the back door wide open downstairs!
Do you want to hazard a guess why, yep that's right I am sick again. I was up nearly all night with my stomach hurting again and when I finally got up (about an hour ago) I feel like crap. It's been raining so I am hurting everywhere had to resort to bandaging my right hand up so I can use it because it's so stiff and swollen. The left one is only slightly better but I have lost the other bandage so I am managing with it. I have a slight cough, my eyes are sore and I could quite happily go back to my bed and go back to sleep.

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