Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Logan Playing At The Park

Logan Playing At The Park, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Fireside Templates, Template 2) by Britt-ish Designs, Buzzing Around by Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2day Designs) and Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and Play Talent Wordart by Kathy Winters (Wordart Fun). Font is DJB Coffeeshop Espresso by Darcy Baldwin and Shawna Clingerman.
Journalling reads: when you were little and we went to the park, you used to be content to sit in your pushchair and stare at everything going on around you. you loved to go on the swing and have me push you gently. you liked sitting on my lap on the see saw and bouncing up and down. when you got a bit bigger we got a little more adventurous, you started going down the slide on lukas’s lap. the first few times you were a little hesitant but on the 3rd or 4th attempt you decided you liked it. everything changed once you were able to crawl properly and climb like a little monkey. you wanted to chase after lukas when he ran off, you wanted to climb up the slide steps. Lukas was sweet he used to sit at the top of the steps to help you while I stood behind incase you slipped and fell off, the steps are high enough to hurt you. But now all of a sudden you have gotten more daring, you not only want to climb up the steps to the slide by yourself, but you want to slide down the slide on your own too. Your favourite method seems to be headfirst straight down the slide. You love it when Lukas is waiting at the bottom to catch you. that’s bad enough on it’s own but it gets worse. your new favourite trick is on the metal tunnel, you like to use the bars to pull yourself to your feet and lean out through the gap to look at the ground. i am pretty much always worried about you at the park now because you are a little daredevil. luckily there are still a few safe things you like to do at the park. like sitting inside the tunnel and banging and scratching on the metal surface, you like the noise it makes. you love when Lukas pops his head through one side of the tunnel or the other, it makes you scream with laughter. no-one can make you giggle as much as your lala can. i think you are thinking the same thing i am, one day he’s going to do that and get stuck!

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