Friday, December 22, 2006

Snowglobe baby

Panos Efstathiadis is a complete genius. So what qualifies someone as a genius in Crystal world well kick ass photoshop actions are a real must lol. If someone takes the time to make a photoshop action that either makes my life easier or creates something amazing they are akin to god lol.

So anyway Mr Efstathiadis has a fabulous collections of actions available free of charge at including the one that creates this.

Doesn't Lukas look cute in a snowglobe. LOL.

Want to know someone else who has fab actions?

Tandika Star at, as much as I love her wicked actions (mostly free for the first week to subscribers - subscribing costs $35 a year) her tutorials are even better today I created grossgrain ribbon and realistic rikrak. I have made a lot of things thanks to her amazing tutorials. It's very therapeutic pressing buttons and actually creating something. I like designing stuff I like sharing stuff as well, I think I might design a quick christmas kit if I get chance for anyone who wants it. But since no-one seems to read this blog anymore maybe no-one would want it?

I started writing this to take out some frustration but since I am not really sure why I am frustrated I will come back later for another post now I have to write some Christmas Cards I mean after all even I don't usually leave my cards until the 22nd of December.

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