Thursday, December 07, 2006

So cold in here today

and I don't mean in a hostile way, I mean in a windows won't close because Nan has so many outdoor lights plugged in through them way. I have a thick jumper on and under the duvet and I am still shivering so much for my room being the warmest in the house. I think we should ignore the freezer and use this room today lol.
Anyway enough whinging about being cold. I have other things to bitch about today.
Remember I mentioned some issues with Lukas's school? Will compress this as much as possible I don't like Lukas's teacher very much. When Lukas went to school last before he was poorly Mark took him, the teacher told him that the special needs coordinator wanted to speak to me.
I was to put it mildly angry. So when Lukas went back on Monday I went to get him and was told he'd had 2 accidents and wet himself and 1 accident of the other variety. He had also fallen asleep on the carpet - was I called nope and I was in all day long. I was furious, especially when she said to me "you shouldn't have sent him to school if he was ill" It's like duh dumbo if he was ill he would have been at home with me. I keep him home whenever he even looks slightly ill. The letters from the school saying Lucas - yes I spelt it the way they do WRONG! hasn't been at school why are dull especially when you have spoken to the stupid school daily saying he's still throwing up and pooping etc. Anyway since I am starting to ramble I will get back to the special needs coordinator before I work up into a huge rant. Everytime we have had an appointment to meet her she hasn't shown up. Yesterday when I had a doctors appointment she comes up and tries to shake my hand - um no I don't think so. She's like this hyper woman full of energy and I just felt like slapping her lol. I can't stand people like that, yeah I know I'm probably just jealous lol. Conversation went a little like this:
Her: "Hi I am ..... so nice to meet you "
Me: raising eyebrows
Her: I've come to have a little chat with you
Me: Nope, Can't, have to be somewhere. Walking out of door and over my shoulder "sorry"
Me and Lukas: Bye
Then I took Lukas home and he decided he didn't want to come with me to the doctors, because "Nannie has CBeebies". So I went on my own and sat in the waiting room reading a book and from some unknown place developed my own hyperactivity. I couldn't stop talking, I smiled at someone and they smiled back, I got chatted up by some man on the bus and I just felt a little festive cheer. Then as usual something went wrong - I went upsatirs and found Lukas had chucked all my wedding invites around the room, opened every christmas card I had written and stripped my bed of every item of bedding. Then a bit later he decided to pee on the bed. I love my son with every inch of my heart but sometimes he is a pain in the bum lol.
Right time to go back to freezing my bum off.

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