Sunday, December 17, 2006

a whole week without a post

naughty girl lol. But I have been very busy. Lukas has been poorly, I have been making Christmas gifts for his teachers, Avoiding my mum and so much other stuff.
But I owe you a recap so let me have a think what has happened since last post?
Well there was Lukas's school play he was supposed to be a sleepy shepherd, but from the moment he got the letter he said "i'm not doing it and you can't make me". He's a stubborn boy my son and once he makes his mind up you have no chance of changing it (definately my boy lol
So anyway we drag to school wait ages in the cold. Go into the hall and end up right at the back. I was annoyed because I told Mark we had to be there early so we could get good seats but we aren't going into that one lol. Lukas had a yellow tea towel tied around his head (not the one he was sent with) and his dressing gown was nowhere to be seen. The kids start singing and you can hear the teacher above all that going "Lukas are you going to sing?" answered with a resounding "NO". Off came the tea towel and then he saw me. Helplessly trying not to laugh at him and he got the giggles. The next song when the kids started singing he put his hands over his ears. It didn't get any better throughout the performance thankfully it only lasted 15 minutes.Here's some pictures they aren't great but better than nothing.

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