Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Moan first nice later

Men are stupid, and ignorant or at least Mark is. Silly idiot doesn't listen - "Have you put Lukas's quad bike away?" general grunt in reply so try again and get "in a minute". He goes downstairs comes up again "did you put the quad bike away" "yeah" which just proves my point that he doesn't listen because he hadn't. Massive rainfall and 12 hours later theres a strange buzzing noise through the whole house - Quad bike has been left in the rain and the kiddy music is now on constantly. Going to ask me now why I didn't just do it myself. I cant touch the quad bike because of the latex handles, I have a severe latex allergy and because the tablets that help a little weren't safe to take during pregnancy I dont have any because tut tut I haven't been back to the doctors yet, what a surprise LOL.
Marks working the twilight shifts this week thats 12:30pm until 1am no longer than what he does normally just means we annoy each other at different times of the day LOL.
I have quite a bit to catch up with on the 40 days of scrapping purpose but I have all the challenges stored on my hardrive to do at my leisure theres no rush. Im not all that fussed about the posting bonuses and things I just wanted some new motivation.
Thats enough moaning for today now onto some nice stuff.
I made some new layouts yesterday, trying out some new styles at the moment, I just like playing with my kits.
Do you know what I cant think of anything nice, or even something bizarre or lovely Lukas has done. So I guess thats the point where I should shut up LOL
I might be back later and add some more mindless rubbish or if I am really lucky I might have something interesting to talk about.

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