Friday, November 24, 2006

Bruised baby

We need to go back a bit before the bruise to explain. Lukas decided on Wednesday night that he was going to be a little nightmare and keep mummy up all night. Sounds no big deal except it meant he was too exhausted to go to school the next day. So he stayed home and was downstairs playing with Ella, I was upstairs and I heard him start screaming. Mark went down to get him and he was holiding his ear and screaming the house down.
So we asked him numerous times "what happened" and couldn't get a word of sense out of him.
His poor little ear was swollen and black. So obviously mummy kept him home today to fuss over him. But I am sick because I want to scrap it for him lol.
Now I suppose it's time to talk about the wedding *sigh*. It's stressful there are lots of family issues and every single one of them goes back to my mum, it's amazing she's going to wreck my wedding without lifting a finger or even trying. Long story short we have family members who won't come because she's there, friends we can't invite because they can't stand her, and even family I can't invite because she would have a meltdown and cause a fight (my dad for a start).
We went dress shopping the other day even though I have already picked the dress I want, she stood in the middle of the street saying at the top of her voice that I needed a size 28 dress.
I may be fat but I am not that bloody fat I wear a size 18/20. She's just damn rude.
I am just sick of the whole thing I consider cancelling at least a few times a day. What happened to my dream wedding - a simple quiet ceremony followed by a huge party.
She keeps saying I shouldn't have a wedding dress, but I don't see why not I don't want to be married in a church because it's not my thing I don't do religion, I would never get married in a church even if money was no object. We didn't do a registry office because it was cheaper its because we dont want our "union blessed by god".
I am seriously depressed lately, Mark has been getting on my nerves. I am fed up of not having the energy to do anything. That's enough moaning for today. Have to go fuss over my bruised baby.

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