Saturday, March 09, 2013


Kermit by Lukasmummy
Kermit, a photo by Lukasmummy on Flickr.

Credits: Layered template (Christmas Gift, Template 1) by Little Bit Shoppe Designs and A Boy's Life Paper Alphas, A Boy's Life Elements, A Boy's Life Overlays, A Boy's Life Solids, A Boy's Life Patterns Mini and A Boy's Life Glitters all by Jen C Designs. Font is The Blockhead by Heather Hess.
Journalling reads: It’s funny how kids can remember some events, no matter how small months or even years after they happened. I was browsing through photos looking for something and came across these, the boys instantly remembered all the details. Since there will probably come a day where they don’t remember any more so I wanted to record it for them. We were on our way to visit Nan one evening. It was dark and cold and raining. The boys were arguing about something as we got off the bus and were walking up by the allotment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I remember feeling slightly scared and sick at the idea that it might be a mouse or a rat. Then in the dim glow of the street lights we saw that it was a frog in the middle of the path (or maybe it was a toad I haven’t a clue, except that it was green and it hopped). The boys were fascinated by it, to my knowledge neither of them had ever seen a frog before. Lukas kept asking me how it had ended up in the middle of the path, when there isn’t any water nearby. They don’t really like it when I can’t give them an answer to their questions. They wanted to touch it and said No and I am not sure that they forgave me for saying that we couldn’t try and catch it to keep as a pet. Bit they did ask if they could have a photograph to show it to Daddy and tell him all about it when he got home from work. I felt obliged to kneel down on the wet pavement, careful to avoid the puddles to try and take a photo with my mobile phone for them. The photos were dark and blurry and you could hardly even see what was in them because I was worried about getting to close and scaring it. but they were enough to make the boys happy, . I remember Nan laughing as they told her about meeting “Kermit” and her telling me that, only I would have been mad enough to stand out in the rain and get myself all wet and muddy just to take a photo of it for them. I knew she understood that to me it was worth it if it made the boys smile. They both took great pride in telling everyone this story for a while. Photos taken 17th March 2012.

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