Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh Dear

I have got bad at this blogging thing haven't I lol.
In my defence I am getting ready to move house,planning my wedding and doing normal day to day life. But I promise to make more of an effort.
I love my blog it gives me somewhere to unload the contents of the day and make space in my head for tomorrow.
Anyway, what news do I have to share today? um let me think lol.
I still don't have my computer back because Mark hasn't even rung Dell to fix it yet.So I still have no private data (letters,cards,notes,poems etc), no recent photos and a few other things missing. Including my music collection *sob*. I haven't done any scrapping for a while because things are so crazy mad. I miss it a lot, I really enjoy releasing my creativity.I do have stash still though I didn't lose that this time. Having a lot of trouble sleeping which doesn't help the being exhausted thing all the time. What else do I have to say? Oh I cant remember could do some more blog prompts I suppose.

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